quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2011

У Врача? Нет!

это моё второе сочинение по русское (первое так плохо, что я предпочитала не опубликовать).

(corrected by моя русская преподавательница Елеонора)

Я знаю, что я должна часто ходить к врачу, но я не люблю. Я только хожу к зубному врачу, например, потому что он звонит мне. Я должна идти туда, в его кабинет, раз в семестр, но я хожу только раз в год.

Действительно, я не люблю не враей, не больницы, не лекарства. Когда я болею гриппом, например, я ничего не делаю. Но я должна сказать, что я редко болею. Последный раз я серёзно заболела десять лет назад — у меня был лихорадка денге. Я лежала в больнице три дня.

К сожалению у меня было много друзей и родственников, каторые лежали в больнице. Моя любимая бабушка, например, умирала в больнице. Я забыла в которой больнице она умирала — может быть Больница Бенефисенсия Португеза. В городе где я живу, есть разнообразные больницы: Копа Дор, Больница Ларанжейрас, Больница Сау Лукас, и так далее.

Как я уже писала, я редко болею. Я совсем забыла, когда последний раз я была целый день в постели.

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

English Practice

Theme: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(Taken from CAE).

Corrected by Lorikeet at Dave ESL Cafe Help Center.

I agree with the idea that the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

A very simple but evident example is the rising level of obesity that has become a common denominator in most of the richest nations (which are the most exposed to advertisements).

Obesity - a disease of excess body fat, characterized by a body mass index equal or over 30 - can be caused by a range of reasons, but basically it is related to an imbalance between the amount of energy we absorb (through food intake) and the amount of energy we spend.

Why are people consuming much more energy than they really need? I strongly believe that one of the reasons is an excess of ads concerning products with high amounts of fat and/or sugar (though poor in terms of nutrients).

People consume a lot of products they should not, not because they need to, but because they were convinced they should do so. This is surely the case with soft drinks, for instance.

Another illustrative example: the number of people devoting much of their income to buying expensive cars. A lot of people insist on having a car even when half of their income is spent on it.

I have young friends who, despite living in neighborhoods close to subway stations or well served in terms of bus service, or close enough to their offices that they could walk or ride a bike to work, spend a large part of their wages paying off installment debts to buy a car.

I am convinced that many of them have not given a second thought to the fact that having a car involves lots of costs – taxes, insurance coverage, gasoline and soaring prices for parking – and if they had rationally analyzed the cost benefit ratio of it, the idea of having a car would no longer seem attractive.

Why do they behave like this? I think most of them probably have been seduced by car advertisements – since they were kids, ads have conveyed the idea that they would be no one if they could not buy the latest car model.

These examples show the strong influence that advertisements can have over the consumer habits of societies, proving it true that advertising – rather than real needs – is the the main factor behind the high sales of some consumer goods.